Core Values and Beliefs — Kairos Fellowship

 Core Beliefs and Values

We honor the work of those who have come before us, those who have paved the way, those who have broken down walls and fought courageously in the face of hate and violence, and those who are our contemporaries in the fight for racial and gender justice.

Core to our practice is the understanding that relationships are at the center of organizing, and relational organizing practices can be brought to the digital realm to expand our reach, develop leaders, and build power. At Kairos, our values represent both destination and practice; they govern our organization, our partnerships, and campaigns.

Fighting for Black and Trans Liberation

We are committed to disrupting anti-blackness and transphobia through our work and practice. We do this because our organizing lineage, our struggle as Black and other people of color, is connected to all of the identities we hold.

Interdependent Leadership

We are responsible for our own work and for collaborating with others. Each person is a leader and assumes responsibility for making Kairos a better place to work and thrive. At the same time, we equally value interdependence.

Principled Struggle

We approach each relationship with the belief that struggle makes us stronger. We engage in 1:1 direct conversations when miscommunication and tension arise and work sincerely and openly to resolve them.

No Lone Wolves

We believe and know that we are not alone in our work. We value collaboration with multiple partners as the path toward achieving high impact work.

Technology is not neutral

Technology is shaped by structures of power. We must always work towards exposing the inequity of technology and its infrastructure.


We expand our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, so that we can show up ready to do our work.

Rigor and Disclipine

We show up and do our very best. When we show up with discipline we are doing this so that we can liberate ourselves and our people. We are striving for our best strategies, good questions, developing our leadership and strength as a means towards self and collective liberation.


We are each responsible for doing our own emotional labor and engaging in resiliency practices so that we can show up for days that are joyful and stressful, and so we can hear all forms of feedback without personalizing.


We ask probing questions with the intention of fostering deeper understanding and empathy.